Whether you are looking to engage MPs, raise awareness of your campaign, or highlight hotspots in the UK, Polimapper is on hand to make campaigning and lobbying simple.

Engaging MPs
For many campaigns, getting MPs behind your cause is a sure fire way of gaining momentum and making real change. Compel MPs to your campaign by using hyper relevant data, relating to their constituency and their voters in one to one meetings.
As an interactive tool, Polimapper works perfectly at Parliamentary Receptions or Party Conferences.
Loaded onto tablets, computers and iPads, Polimapper can be used to show MPs and their researchers information about their constituencies.
Awareness raising
When campaigning on a certain issue, highlighting the scale and impact of the problem is key to getting people on board with your campaign.
Social media is key to getting your message out there. Sharing your maps online is a great way of gaining traction from supporters, stakeholders and the wider public.
With localised data at your disposal, rally supporters behind your campaign, and build momentum by encouraging social sharing. Or go one step further, get your supporters to directly contact their MP with Polimapper’s ‘Email MP’ function, sending hyper relevant data straight to their inbox in three easy steps.
Heat maps and hotspots
When staring at a spreadsheet full of data, getting to the heart of the issue and working out next steps is tricky.
Using Polimapper, you can bring this data to life.
Save time in meetings by presenting your data interactively. Let Polimapper do the analysis for you, visualising the key trends at the touch of a button.
Showcase your report findings in an easily digestible format, and build your case for additional support or resources in local hotspots.